Friday, November 20, 2009

Best Day Ever

Today at my place of employment, I was asked to help clean-up after the previous evening's donor meet-n-greet. Washing wine glasses in the gallery's kitchen amidst stainless steel sinks and walk in fridges brought me back to my days at the Three Village Inn; four years of waiting tables that I despised. And yet, I was oddly nostalgic. Concurrently, I had the opportunity to speak with a few folks from my old job (tear, sniff, sniff). And again, nostalgia. I think I'm seriously afflicted.

The most difficult part about being on the left coast for graduate school is quite simply the time difference. It's not so much the 3,000 miles, or even the cost of the flight. It's absolutely the fact that I can't just pick up the phone and call any friends, family, or the like back in Boston or on Long Island without first computing the 3 hour difference and realizing that the folks I want to speak with are inevitably at work or, conversely, asleep. It stinks. I'm officially heading to LI and/or Boston from Dec. 14 - the New Year. I'm thrilled; as much as I'm loving it here, it's going to be fabulous to see some familiar faces and just chill out for three weeks.

Tonight it's off to a "whiskey and wine tasting" at the home of the lovely married couple from class. I'm not so sure the two beverages necessarily go together (aside from common consonants) but I'm willing to bet it will make for an interesting evening.

Note: Please disregard this post's title unless you went to Hamilton, of course. In that case, consider this a not so subtle shout out, LMV. Just making a difference, one day at a time.


  1. I don't get your Hamilton references, but I'll try to jump on the wagon: BUNDY!!


  2. You are totally on the inside - My goodness, Grabbe has taught you well!!
