Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kitty photo shoot!

Alright, so it seems that three photos is their max. No worries, I'm nowhere near becoming a crazy cat lady, and in fact, these aren't even mine. I have, however, had the pleasure of watching them do laps around the living room, wrestle, and try to throw themselves through the front window (picture a bird flying into a glass pane) for the past year and I'm certainly going to miss these little guys once I move out at the end of the summer. What with all of the ear scratching, feeding and making sure their water bowl is full, I feel like we've bonded; Take care, (Jeze)Belle and Willow.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrating America's Birthday

You know you had a successful 4th of July when...

Your 9 guests somehow consume nearly 9 liters of delicious, homemade Sangria.

You've managed to procure a grill, currently sitting on your back deck, and successfully grilled everything in sight.

You wake up to find one of your friends still in your living room, and asleep on your couch.

Or, when you've not only experienced the aforementioned but are nursing a massive hangover. Yes, it was a fabulous Fourth indeed. My roommate and I held an impromptu barbeque; all attendees brought an array of grillables and we provided copious amounts of (yes, you guessed it) sangria for the group. Our recipe was fairly budget friendly (laugh all you want, there was indeed Franzia used) but surprisingly delicious. See below.

1 box of Franzia ("Cabernet Sauvignon")
1 bottle of rum
1 cup orange juice
1/2 liter lemon lime seltzer
1/2 cup white sugar (add more for liking)

(chopped and added)
2 apples
2 peaches
2 oranges
1 lemon
1 lime