Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy holidaze off

So, as it turns out, watching the final season of Lost on your 6 hour flight from NY to Seattle is not the most comforting choice of in-flight entertainment. That, mixed with a healthy dose of turbulence for about 30minutes over the Rockies, confirms it: the more I fly (and honestly, I've flown quite a bit), the more uneasy I'm now becoming about flying.

I know, I know. Even I'm struck by how ridiculous it sounds. I just keep imagining the plethora of things that might go wrong while hurtling through the air at 30,000 feet. Mixed with a few horrible experiences - the first being a deathly plague (parading as faux malaria with high fever, nausea and non-stop vomiting) that struck me as we returned from Ghana and the second being the terrifyingly intense turbulence last time I flew back to Seattle - I find myself anxiously clutching my seat during take-off, landing, and any little bumps in between. It is not pleasant, it is simply unacceptable. I love traveling. This simply will not stand, self!

Aside from my increasing aircraft unease, the holidays were as glorious as expected. Four fun-filled days in Boston followed by two weeks of fabulous-nothingness (the technical term for family and friends, non-existent agendas, careless midday jogs and card games over casually consumed beverages). Other than a brief jaunt to Jersey by way of Staten Island to accompany Dad to his company Christmas party (see photo, left), the lackadaisical weeks were spent with the siblings sans 1 and a handful of HS friends on Long Island. The only downfall? Heathrow's inability to get it together, detaining the twinage and (most sadly) holding her hostage in the U.K. for the holiday (snow plows? Salt? Something? Anything?!?!).

Coming back from any extended East Coast visit, I need at least 48 hours to adjust, mope around, seriously miss some folks, and indulge in bittersweet nostalgia. While I don't plan on moving back to Long Island (Suffolk/SWR) any time soon (or, cough, ever, cough), it holds a very special place in my heart. Thus, I can't help it; I think this video is hilarious and disturbingly accurate (please note how 75% of this video is staged either on a parking lot or in front of a fake waterfall, inevitably at a banquet/reception hall). Oh, home.

And, finally, welcome, 2011!
This new year marks:
a) My first high school reunion: 10yrs (oh-em-gee, I am aging rapidly). Which means, it's been exactly one decade since I began my stint as an undergraduate, first starting at NYU. An absolutely life changing experience, involving standing in Washington Square park and watching the twin towers fall, living in Manhattan as an (let's be honest, naive) 18yr old, first learning how to use oil paints, and meeting some uniquely awesome individuals and hopefully lifelong friends.
b) The completion of my master's degree (well, fingers crossed).
c) Another fabulous year, hopefully filled with even MORE fantastic folks and fun times.

Eh, that's all I've got for now. But, let's go 2011, best year ever!