Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Winter" Weather in the Northwest

I have moved to the land of the perpetually runny nose. We're looking at about 7 days of not just mist but serious, steady, unrelenting rain. The sky hangs just above the rooftops and there is hardly a moment when my socks aren't soaking. In reality, this isn't much different than central New York in the middle of January, except my finger tips aren't frozen and I'm not wading through knee high snow drifts. But, there's something enchanting about snow, where as rain just breeds bad moods. That being said, the drab is interspersed with an occasional, absolutely gorgeous, sunny and mild, day. I've included a (poorly taken, amateur level) video as proof. This is of Red Square, a central part of the University of Washington campus; the beautiful stone building is our library and, even though you can't see it (thanks to the fabulous quality of said short), Mt. Rainier is looming in the distance, just beyond the fountain.

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