Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gew. Merh.

Curses! My second day home only to be struck down by some sort of stomach virus, leaving me incapacitated and stranded in the house, feeling like I've been pummeled in the stomach.
Whenever I get sick, no matter where I am, I always wish I was home, lying on the couch taking in 90210 reruns and fending off my mother’s incessant doting. Yet, here I am, watching an emaciated Tori Spelling juggle two potential suitors, and it’s just not cutting it this time. Home simply isn’t the same when you’re 26 and none of your siblings reside within a hundred mile radius. Or, your good friends, for that matter.

Speaking of impossibly awesome individuals in Boston, while Sunday’s voyage to Long Island was pretty uneventful, actually renting the vehicle turned into more of a hassle than I had anticipated. I really don’t know what I would have done without help, and now I find myself wondering, what am I going to do without said assistance in the future? Just thinking about that, I get all teary eyed and stupidly nostalgic. And, just plain old sad...

Right. So, since I have two.five more weeks of this (hopefully sans stomach pains) I’m going to need to do something constructive, aside from the normal jogs, jaunts to the beach, and packing. Last night my mother and I went to the driving range, and I realized just what a fabulous golfer she is. I rather enjoyed watching her put the majority of other individuals at the place to shame, while she tried to advise me: “No, no. Bend your knees like you’re sitting on the edge of a barstool. C’mon, I know you know how to do that” (Right). I’ve concluded that it might behoove me to learn a bit of golf, especially while I have a seasoned instructor at my disposal and amazing golf courses within a 15 minute drive. I even worked at one, back in the day, driving around the beer cart and serving argyle clad old men at the club's bar. Plus, I loved aristocratic lawn sports such as croquet and bocce in college. True, there was always a styrofoam cooler of beer involved, but how different could this possibly be? Since I’ve now mastered driving the ball 50 yards with a 7 (yes, that’s right, don’t be jealous) we might play 9 holes this weekend. Game on!


  1. You've been gone a couple days and you've changed already! I remember when you were an artsy, Rachel Maddow-loving resident of Central Sq. Now you play golf, working towards a respectable handicap. I can dig it.

  2. I hope you feel better today! So in 2 1/2 weeks you are going to master golf? You are amazing. I guess I shouldn't talk. I just bought this incredibly cute golf hat, for when I play golf, er, watch golf on tv...

    Don't be sad. You have blog followers. That's why you started a blog, remember? Oh, and speaking of, let me introduce you to my Seattle friends....

  3. Don't worry, my shoddy credit line is always available to you, even on the West Coast.
