Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Seattle Star Sighting

Today, I bumped into Dave Matthews. He was heading out of the PCC (the only grocery store in my neighborhood and thus, despite its inflated prices and my apathy towards the organic, the one I'm forced to shop at every now and again). Now, it's arguable whether or not this is even worth reporting; I know this. I'm not what one would call a "Dave" fan (in fact, I abhor the fact that certain people feel that they are on a first name basis with him). However, when I first arrived in the sunny city of Seattle, my wonderful mother was simply overjoyed to know that he lives in the adjacent town of Wallingford. Now I can happily report to her that I did in fact see him, he's just as lovely in person as in his music videos, and his daughter(s?) are adorable.

What else... Oh, right, schoolwork. I've got a lot of it and no matter how much I do, there's always more - not that I'm actually complaining about it. My feminist theory course is as amazing as I had hoped and the other courses aren't too shabby either. Despite its seeming futility, education policy is pretty interesting and I now have a complete understanding of how formalized education not only started but also evolved in the United States. Of course, I've been neglecting a bit of work on the weekends, due to a steady stream of - you guessed it - Saturday night binge drinking. Halloween, house party, what can I say? When in college... And yes, it feels just like I'm in college again, except I have a better concept of the almighty dollar (and how little of it I actually have) and how my coursework might apply to the "real world".

Yeah, just picture this walking out of your average over-priced organic grocery store... Sans guitar, of course...

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